NSB19 Special Matched Battery (AAA) NSB19-020

HKD 180.00


Remaining: 4


Re-stock Date : —/01/2025 NSB19がミニッツカップ公認ニッケル水素バッテリーSPEED HOUSE 800HVをスペシャルチューン&マッチング!!!NSB19スペシャルチューンによるパワーと正確なマッチングによる持久力の両方を兼ね備えVEエコモーターでのレースを征するために作られた完全レース派向けバッテリーそれが『NSB19スペシャルマッチドバッテリー』!!! NSB19 has specially tuned and matched the MINI-Z Cup official Ni-MH battery SPEED HOUSE 800HV! ! ! The NSB19 Special Matched Battery is a battery for complete racers made to conquer the race with the VE Eco Motor, which combines both the power of the NSB19 special tune and the endurance of the precise matching! ! !

Payment, delivery and return


Delivery Methods

  • Hong Kong Local Delivery
  • International Delivery
  • Hong Kong Local Pickup

Payment Methods

  • PayMe
  • Credit Card or PayPal Wallet
  • Bank Transfer

Return & Refund Policy

在產品預購結束後, 我們將無法接受取消訂單, 也無法因個人原因而提出要求產品交換/退款/退貨。 一旦產品到達預定銷售數量, 該產品可能會比原定時間提早截止訂購。 如有任何問題,請參閱下面的常見問題解答或透過查詢表格聯繫客戶服務中心。 ※如有任何爭議,HRC Mini-Z Arena 保留最終的決定權。 After your order or pre-order form has been submitted, we are not able to accept cancellation of the order, nor to request product exchange/replacement/return/refund in personal reasons. ※ In case of any disputes, HRC Mini-Z Arena reserves the right of the final decision. Shipping information: there might be some delays in delivery due to COVID-19. Contact our customer service for delivery updates.

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