Ensotech Swave W2 SWAVEW2

HKD 700.00


剩餘: 1


Swave-W2 Sensored Electronic Speed Controller makes technology essential to your modern mini R/C car. The principle of W2 to enhance heating dissipation. Used high watts thermal PAD, more copper inside PCB for current flow optimization, and the length of PCB increased 1mm compared to W. Besides, the schematic has also been re-engineered to improved control of Bluetooth power..... ready for future gadget tech. Ideally to use on microscale 1:28 RWD and shaft drive AWD touring car who needs liner and responsiveness on drifting and touring race. Enjoy the best value versus performance ratio, size, weight, technology as well as other advantages. Features "Blinky-mode" provides a fair racing environment between racers. (Shows that all timing advance switched to zero) Stunning size and weight Easy-to-use programming Firmware update available A professional set of customized parameters for the difficult race track Automatic recognition of Hall sensor’s position Settings configurations export and import. (You can save and load configuration or share out) Aluminum body Firmware update and change setting via Android version swave apps Optional UARTLINK-II programming cable Optional wireless EnsoBlueth Bluetooth adaptor




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