MINI-Z AWD → 2WD Drift Conversion Kit - MRD Zero




This is MZ Formula MRD Prototype Conversion Kit For Kyosho Mini-Z AWD. The mainstream of drifting with normal size RC cars (1/10 scale is the mainstream) nowadays is drifting with rear-wheel drive vehicles (hereafter 2WD) that maintain a drifting posture with full-counter steering at slow speeds. Drifting with full-counter steering at slow speeds is not possible with AWD. Mr. Hiroyoshi Ishikawa, the designer of the MINI-Z AWD and president of enjoy smile Co. inc. wanted to realize the needs of users who want to enjoy full-counter drifting at slow speeds with the MINI-Z. He redesigned the MINI-Z AWD and made it into a 2WD Drift radio-controlled car "MRD Prototype" was completed. The completed prototype is now capable of full-counter steering drift driving at low speeds, which is not possible with the existing MINI-Z AWD.We named this wonderful prototype the "MRD Prototype".MRD stands for "Micro-size RWD Drift car".We started the HRD project with the hope of creating this product together with many users. The "MRD Prototype" is newly designed with approximately 60% of its body parts to achieve a front wheel steering angle of nearly 90 degrees (25 degrees for the MINI-Z AWD), which is an essential mechanism for low-speed 2WD drift driving. This newly designed 2WD drift RC car platform is equipped with the MINI-Z AWD servo mechanism, receiver board, rear suspension unit, and other parts included in the MINI-Z AWD Readyset to achieve 2WD drift specifications. The decision was made to offer the kit as an "MRD Prototype Conversion Kit" with newly developed parts. The reason for this is that we wanted users to experience the development process of "build, run, and improve" based on the project's concept of "creating a radio-controlled car from a prototype with the user. In addition, we thought that the conversion kit would be less expensive than a full kit, making it easier for people to participate in the project. We wanted to create the prototype "MRD Prototype" in Japan with many users around the world. We decided to raise funds through crowdfunding to pay for the molds to produce the parts to offer the "MRD Prototype Conversion Kit" and to provide the prototype to users. Although it is now possible to produce a small number of parts using a 3D printer, we have concluded that the production of resin parts using a mold is essential to enable many people to continuously experience high-quality products. The molds we will produce this time are not the end of the MRD Prototype Conversion Kit, but a step toward the development of new parts and the creation of a completely original small R/C car as "MRD" with our customers. ●スケジュール(Schedule) ※クラウドファンディング成立・終了後の計画です。




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